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At Hearing Solutions, we believe that hearing what matters in life is one of the greatest gifts that helps to keep us connected to our loved ones.

Free hearing test and professional consultation (restrictions apply)

90 day satisfaction guarantee

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By booking your in-person hearing test with a trusted hearing healthcare professional, you are taking the first and most important step on a journey that will reintroduce you to the world of sound and the joys of communication


What is a Hearing Test?

A hearing test, also known as an audiometric test or hearing evaluation, is a medical examination designed to assess an individual’s hearing abilities, and is conducted by a trained professional, typically an Audiologist or Hearing Instrument Specialist. The primary goal of a hearing test is to determine the softest sounds a person can hear at different frequencies and to evaluate their overall hearing health.

Hearing tests are essential for diagnosing hearing loss, assessing its severity, and developing a personalized plan for managing and improving your hearing.

When Should I Take a Hearing Test?

Taking a hearing test is important at various stages of life and under different circumstances. Here are some key situations when you should consider scheduling a hearing test:

  1. Age-Related Hearing Loss: Age-related hearing loss, known as presbycusis, is common as people get older. If you’re over the age of 50, consider having a baseline hearing test. Just as you have regular check-ups with your doctor or dentist, it is highly encouraged to include regular hearing check-ups as part of your overall healthcare routine to detect any changes over time.
  2. Family History: If hearing loss runs in your family, you may be at a higher risk. Regular hearing tests can help monitor your hearing health and detect any issues early.
  3. Noise Exposure: If you have a history of exposure to loud noises, either through work or recreational activities, it is essential to monitor your hearing closely. Noise-induced hearing loss is preventable but often gradual, so early detection is crucial.
  4. Noticeable Hearing Changes: If you’ve noticed changes in your hearing, such as difficulty understanding conversations, muffled sounds, or having to turn the television up loudly, it’s a clear sign to schedule a hearing test.
  5. Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions and medications can impact your hearing. Conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure can have implications for your hearing health. If you have any of these conditions or are taking medications known to affect hearing, regular hearing tests are often overlooked and advisable.
  6. Ear Infections or Injuries: If you’ve had ear infections or injuries that could potentially affect your hearing, a hearing test can assess the extent of any damage and help determine appropriate treatment.
  7. History of Earwax: If you have a history of earwax, or you looking to see if your hearing constraints are related to hearing loss, we encourage you to book an appointment with trusted professional to learn more about the options, and potential treatment plans, available to you.
  8. Balance Issues: Hearing and balance are closely linked, and problems with your inner ear can affect both. If you experience issues with balance or dizziness, a hearing test should be part of the evaluation process.
  9. Tinnitus: Persistent tinnitus, also known as ringing or buzzing in the ears, can be a sign of underlying hearing issues. A hearing test can help determine the cause and appropriate management strategies.
  10. Hearing Aid Evaluation: If you already wear hearing aids, regular hearing tests are essential to monitor your hearing and ensure that your hearing aids are appropriately programmed and adjusted accordingly. If you are looking for sound advice you can trust, our team would be pleased to meet with you and provide a professional, no obligation consultation.

What to Expect at a Hearing Test: Your Guide to Better Hearing 

If you’ve scheduled a hearing test or are considering one, it’s a significant step toward improving your hearing health and overall quality of life. In this guide, we’ll walk you through what to expect during a hearing test, ensuring you feel comfortable and informed every step of the way.

Top 10 Benefits of Hearing Aids

Hearing aids offer a multitude of advantages, empowering you to experience the world of sound more vividly and reconnect with those who bring joy to your life.

Enhanced Communication

In various environments, hearing aids amplify sounds, improving clarity, making it easier to hear and comprehend speech. This enhancement enables you to actively engage in conversations, as you no longer struggle and strain to understand what is being said, find yourself nodding along, or ask for repetitions.

Improved Personal Relationships

When you can fully engage in conversations with loved ones, your relationships will strengthen as you can build meaningful connections with family and friends.

Cognitive Benefits

Treating hearing loss with hearing aids can reduce the risk of cognitive decline, dementia, and memory issues, leading to sharper cognitive abilities.

Enhanced Mental Well-Being

Hearing aids can alleviate the frustration, anxiety, and depression often associated with untreated hearing loss, contributing to better overall mental health.

Reduced Social Isolation

With hearing aids, you can feel more at ease in social settings, knowing that you can actively participate in conversations without feeling isolated or anxious, which strengthens your sense of belonging.

Reduced Fatigue

Addressing hearing loss can reduce the mental fatigue experienced in situations where hearing is challenging, leaving you more energized.

Restored Independence

Hearing aids empower you to confidently manage daily tasks, make decisions, and participate in activities independently. Moreover, hearing aid users experience a reduced risk of falling, contributing to a safer and more secure independent lifestyle.

Increased Productivity at Work

By improving your ability to communicate and engage at work, hearing aids can positively impact your productivity at work and could increase earning potential.

Positive Self-Image

Modern hearing aids blend seamlessly into your style, offering both discretion and a touch of elegance. Embracing these sleek devices not only enhances your appearance but also boosts your self-assurance. Achieving comfort and confidence with your hearing aids can have a positive impact on your overall self-image.

Preventing Further Hearing Loss

Hearing aids play a crucial role in halting the progression of auditory deterioration, preserving your hearing health for the future.

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