Better Hearing Is the Gift to Give this Mother’s Day

May 3rd, 2022 | by Andreas Seelisch | Hearing Health
Better Hearing Is the Gift to Give this Mother’s Day


Have you considered better hearing for Mom means a better quality of life. What if, during this year’s Mother’s Day dinner, Mom isn’t her chipper self? If she isn’t enjoying the family dinner conversation the way she used to, hearing loss may be the reason. Withdrawing from social interactions and conversation is a sign of hearing loss, and your Mom may not even realize how this is impacting the quality of her life.

If you suspect that Mom may have hearing loss, help give her the gift of better hearing so she can reconnect with her loved ones and enjoy the precious moments in life that become priceless memories for years to come.

What are the signs of hearing loss that you should look for?

 Once Mom’s flowers are safely ensconced in their vase, sitting at the middle of the dinner table, and the table is set, Mother’s Day dinner begins! Everyone gets their seat, passes the food around the table, fills up their plates, then talks, laughs, eats, enjoying the merriment that only a family gathering can offer.

What happens, though, if Mom seems to be a bit quieter, this year? What if she’s not laughing as much at those old, silly jokes that only families appreciate? What if she seems to smile and nod her head throughout the conversation, but seems lost when someone asks her a direct question over all the noise in the room?

Hearing loss may be the culprit.

 Over 50% of Canadians over 40 years of age have hearing loss,[1] and has becomes the most common disability as we grow older.[2] The tragedy for many people is that hearing loss may not always be the most obvious assessment, at first, but the longer you wait, the more serious the negative effects may become.

Untreated hearing loss can impact your Mom’s personal relationships, physical and mental health, and her overall quality of life. Our ability to socialize, to converse with one-another, is one of our most important foundations of social interaction, and what keeps our brain sharp.[3] It keeps our emotions on an even keel, so that we can go throughout our days with a positive, bright outlook that is essential for our overall happiness. [4]

Women with untreated hearing loss are also more likely than men to feel isolated and depressed, one of the many effects of untreated hearing loss.[5] So, it’s even more important for Mom to be able to hear the conversation and stay connected with the whole family!

How do you talk to your Mom?

Speaking to a loved one may not always be an easy conversation to have, as often hearing loss is brought to our attention by our loved ones as it is gradual, which is why your Mom may not even notice it herself.

Research shows that often it takes a person over seven years between realizing that they are struggling with hearing loss to seeking professional treatment.[6]  Think of all those special moments and hobbies that Mom may have been missing out on during this time. So, having the conversation about your concerns as soon as possible is important.

The best way to approach the subject is to discuss it gently, carefully, with love. Position yourself as a trusted ally, and be mindful that some may experience negative emotions when addressing hearing loss as it can be attached to a outdated stigma that we want to overcome in a positive manner.

Finding the right time, and a safe place to have this important conversation is also critical to helping to set the tone for the discussion.

One possibility that could benefit the both of you, if you are over the age of 55 years old, is to suggest that both of you have your hearing tested together. We often take the time to see our doctor, dentist, and optometrist on an annual basis, but hearing can fall to the wayside, and this is an opportunity to discuss the importance of hearing health.

What happens at a hearing test?

 The hearing test consists of a consultation about Mom’s lifestyle and medical history to help ensure that the Clinician’s recommendations, if hearing loss is detected, are personalized to her unique needs.

A physical ear examination will follow, which checks for earwax or other physical obstructions that could affect Mom’s hearing. This is then followed by the hearing assessment, which includes tests such as the ability to hear beeps played at different pitches and volumes, and the ability to understand words without the assistance of lip reading.

Experience modern and discreet hearing aid technology

 If hearing loss is detected, the Clinician will discuss the degree and make a professional recommendation. A live demonstration of the hearing aids will follow, where is it important to have a familiar voice in the room, so it is highly recommended that a loved one attends the appointment with Mom.

 You may also be amazed to see the advancements made in hearing aids over the years. They are now modern and more discreet than ever before, and offer cutting edge options including:

  • Rechargeable – quick to charge with a full day of battery power
  • Bluetooth – connect directly to Bluetooth enable smartphone or devices
  • Environment – recognize and adapt to more listening situations with crisp, natural sound
  • Streaming – full audio bandwidth streaming in real time
  • Settings – conveniently control your settings by using your smartphone or tablet

With the help of modern hearing aids, Mom will be able to re-join the wonderful world of sound and life. Then, she’ll get back to doing what she does best, listening to our worries and giving us the best advice in the world!




[1] Ramage-Morin, P., Banks, R., Pineault, D., & Atrach, M. (2019, August 21). Unperceived        hearing loss among Canadians aged 40 to 79. Retrieved January 11, 2022, from

[2] Cruickshanks, K. J., Wiley, T. L., Tweed, T. S., Klein, B. E. K., Klein, R., Mares-Perlman, J. A., et al 1998;. Prevalence of hearing loss in older adults in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. The Epidemiology of Hearing Loss Study. American Journal of Epidemiology,. 148:879-886

[3] Granick, Kleban, & Weiss, 1976; Gussekloo, de Craen, Oduber, van Boxtel, & Westendorp, 2005; Lin et al., 2011a; Lin et al., 2011b; McCoy et al., 2005; Valentijn et al., 2005  

[4] Trychin, S. (1993). Communication issues related to hearing loss. Gallaudet University. 

[5] Lee, Y. (2022, January 13). Help mom hear better this mother’s day. Hearing Health Foundation. Retrieved May 2, 2022, from

[6] Abrams, H. B., & Kihm, J. (2015). An introduction to MarkeTrak IX: A new baseline for the hearing aid market. Hearing Review22(6), 16. 

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