Hearing aid battery sizes

Although many of today’s hearing aids are rechargeable, most hearing aids still use a conventional, replaceable battery as their power source.

Hearing aids should use zinc-air button disposable batteries that are mercury-free (some still are not) and come in four standard sizes – 10, 13, 312 and 675 – ranging from smallest to largest.

They also come colour coded in yellow for size 10, orange for size 13, brown for size 312 and blue for size 675.

Hearing aid batteries come in 4-packs and 8-packs. These packs can also be bought in boxes of 40.

How long do hearing aid batteries last?

There’s no hard and fast rule about hearing aid battery life. In fact, there are several factors that will affect how long your hearing device’s batteries last.

A rough estimate of battery life is around 3 to 22 days with some experts quoting up to 30 days, but that all depends on…

Factors affecting hearing aid battery life

Severity of hearing loss For instance, people with a profound hearing loss would need more amplification, which would reduce your hearing instrument’s battery life.
Technology Hearing aids are packed with tiny, sophisticated technology that includes all the features you need to hear better. The more advanced the hearing aid, the more features it has and this will affect how long your batteries will last.
Environment A reduction in humidity can cause batteries to dry out too much and decrease your batteries’ power.
How long you wear your hearing aids each day Some people can wear their hearing devices for as little as 4 hours per day and others can wear them up to 16 or 18 hours per day. The longer you wear them the more battery power you’ll use.
Location Modern hearing aids are made to adapt to your listening environment and automatically switch programs to help you deal with background noise. You’ll use less battery life in a quiet setting, like at home versus at a party or a concert because your hearing aids don’t have as much work to do.
Altitude When altitude increases, the amount of oxygen in the air decreases. This lowers a battery’s voltage and possibly its lifespan.
Streaming Many newer hearing aids allow you to stream audio directly into your hearing aids from your Bluetooth-enabled devices including smartphones, TVs, Tablets and portable mp3 players. As a result, the demands on your hearing aid increase, which can affect the lifespan of your hearing aid battery.

Six tips to maximize hearing aid battery life

Below are a few tips to ensure that you get the most out of your hearing aid batteries and by extension the most out of your hearing aids.

  1. Store batteries at room temperature. Contrary to popular belief you shouldn’t put your hearing aid batteries in the freezer or refrigerator. Heat and humidity – like in a bathroom or a hot climate – can shorten battery life. Device dehumidifiers can be handy to get rid of any excess moisture in your hearing aid.
  2. Keep your batteries in the package because they shouldn’t be stored loose. Be sure to keep them away from metal objects like keys, coins or even other batteries, as this can cause them to short out, leak, or in rare cases, to rupture.
  3. Zinc-air hearing aid batteries come with a seal on them that ensures that they’re ready to use. To activate them you peel off the sticker on the back, which reveals three small air holes. If you don’t plan on replacing your batteries don’t remove the seal, as oxygen immediately starts to fill the holes, making them ready for use. It’s recommended to let the battery sit for between one and five minutes after the sticker on the back has been removed for oxygen exposure to maximise the activation process before inserting them inside your hearing aid. This will ensure optimum battery life.
  4. Fresh batteries are better than aged ones, as they slowly lose energy over time. Be sure to pay attention to the expiry date on the package.
  5. Remove dead batteries immediately and dispose of them in a place that’s hard to reach by young children.
  6. Remember to turn your hearing aid off when not in use, like when going to bed. Simply leave the battery door open. This will also help dry out any excess moisture that has accumulated in your hearing instrument throughout the day.

Where to find hearing aid batteries

If you need hearing aid batteries, visit a Hearing Solutions clinic near you.

If you have any questions or concerns about hearing aid batteries and how to use or insert them in your hearing devices, contact us anytime or drop into one of our clinics.

Explore the science behind hearing aid batteries for a deeper understanding of how they enhance your hearing experience.

Hearing Aid Batteries

Hearing Aid Batteries

Hearing aid batteries are an important component of your hearing aids which provide reliable power to ensure your hearing aids offer the maximum performance.

There are two main types of hearing aid batteries that are available which include disposable and rechargeable batteries.

Disposable Batteries

Most disposable batteries sold today use zinc-air technology and are available in four industry-standard sizes, based on the type of hearing aid you use. Many hearing aids have the battery number etched on the door where the battery is inserted, and the battery packages are numbered and colour coded to make it easier to find the one you need.

The four available sizes and their colour codes are:

Size 10 – yellow

Size 312 – brown

Size 13 – orange

Size 675 – blue

When purchasing your batteries, if you are not sure which one is required, our team of professionals can help you find the right battery to compliment your hearing aid.

How to Insert Disposable Zinc-air Batteries

Here are some essential steps and tips to ensure proper handling and insertion of batteries in your hearing aids:

1. Preparation of the Battery

  • Upon removing the battery from its package, flip it over and remove the label.
  • It’s advisable to remove the label only when you’re ready to use the battery, as removing the label initiates the battery’s energy drainage. Note that reattaching the sticker won’t prevent this discharge.
  • To allow the battery to reach its full voltage, give it a moment after label removal.

2. Inserting the Battery

  • Most hearing aids feature a noticeable ridge near the base, allowing you to open and access the battery compartment.
  • Zinc-air batteries possess a flat top side and a rounded bottom. To insert the battery correctly, ensure that the flat side faces upwards.
  • Place the battery within the open compartment and firmly close it until you feel a distinct clicking sensation.

3. Distinguishing Between Old and New Batteries

  • If you’re unsure about distinguishing between old and new batteries, examine the batteries for score marks. The one with a score mark is the old battery.
  • In the absence of score marks, try dropping the batteries on a table or counter. The heavier battery with less bounce is the new one.

4. Troubleshooting Closure Issues

  • If you find the door to your hearing aid difficult to close, double-check that the battery is correctly inserted with the flat side facing up.
  • Do not force the door shut, as doing so might result in damage to the hearing aid.

These guidelines ensure the proper management of hearing aid batteries, enhancing the longevity and effectiveness of your hearing aid experience.

Disposable Batteries

When to Change your Hearing Aid Batteries

Disposable Batteries

Many hearing aids are designed to emit either a tone or a voice alert to signify a low battery, indicating the need for replacement.

As the battery’s charge diminishes, you might notice a distortion or weakening of the sound from your hearing aid. However, modern hearing instruments typically sustain consistent performance until they eventually shut off.

Keep in mind that hearing aid batteries will gradually discharge once the label has been removed, even if the hearing aid is switched off. For instance, if you’ve left an opened battery in an unworn hearing aid for an extended period, such as over a week, you may observe a notable reduction in battery life once you resume wearing it. This emphasizes the importance of timely battery management to ensure optimal hearing aid functionality.

Hearing Aid Battery Life

The longevity of Zinc-air batteries typically ranges from 3 to 5 days for smaller sizes and extends from 10 to 15 days for larger ones. However, it’s important to note that battery life can vary significantly between different devices due to several contributing factors, which include:

  • Hearing Loss Severity and Power Level: The degree of your hearing loss and the prescribed power level of your hearing aid play a substantial role in determining battery consumption.
  • Battery Size: Generally, larger batteries offer an extended battery life compared to their smaller counterparts.
  • Daily Wear Time: The duration for which you wear your hearing aid each day contributes to the overall battery drain.
  • Technology Features: Advanced programming and technology features within the device can influence battery consumption. Devices with more sophisticated processing capabilities may affect energy usage.
  • Listening Environments: The environments you frequent impact battery life. Noisy or complex settings necessitate more processing and filtering by the hearing aid’s sound processor, thereby increasing energy consumption.
  • Wireless Streaming: If your hearing aids support wireless streaming from Bluetooth-enabled devices like smartphones, TVs, and tablets, the battery life can be affected. Direct audio streaming places additional demand on battery consumption.

Should you have any inquiries or concerns regarding the battery life of your hearing aids, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at your convenience. Feel free to schedule an appointment to address any queries and ensure your hearing aids continue to perform optimally.

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The Cost of Batteries

The cost of batteries may differ based on the brand you choose, with prices spanning from $6 to $8 per package of four cells from reputable manufacturers. For added convenience, you can also opt to purchase batteries in larger quantities, such as boxes containing 40 cells.

At Hearing Solutions, hearing aids that are purchased with our HearForever Package will also include a complimentary supply of premium batteries, providing excellent value for our patients.

Click here to discover more about our exceptional aftercare support

Hearing Aid Battery Care Tips

Maximize the longevity of your hearing aid batteries with these 5 effective tips:

  1. Open Battery Door When Not in Use: Keep your hearing aid battery door open when you’re not wearing it, especially during nighttime. This aids in preserving battery life.
  2. Sticker Removal Timing: Refrain from removing the stickers on hearing aid batteries until you’re ready to use them. This prevents premature discharge while they’re stored.
  3. Post-Sticker Rest: After peeling the sticker from a battery, allow it to rest for 3 to 5 minutes before inserting it into your hearing aid. This brief interval enables optimal oxygen saturation within the battery, resulting in more consistent power delivery.
  4. Proper Storage: Store your batteries in a dry area at room temperature. This safeguards their integrity and performance.
  5. Check Expiration Dates: Prior to usage, check the expiration date on the battery package. Batteries nearing their expiration date might have reduced battery life and should be used before others.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure that your hearing aid batteries function at their best, providing you with reliable and long-lasting power for your devices.

Rechargeable Batteries

Rechargeable technology offers not only exceptional convenience but also remarkable eco-friendliness. Rechargeable hearing aids integrate the batteries seamlessly within the device, eliminating the need for regular battery removal and replacement.

Hearing Aid with Rechargeable Batteries

With this technology, simply connect your lithium-ion battery hearing aids to the charger, and by morning, your hearing aid is revitalized and fully prepared for a day of optimal performance. This not only simplifies your routine but also contributes to a more sustainable approach by reducing battery waste.

How Rechargeable Batteries Work

Unlike the traditional method of removing the battery from your hearing aid for charging, the rechargeable solution involves inserting the entire hearing aid into a specialized recharger. This innovation features a “docking station” where you place your hearing aid at the close of the day. As you sleep, the batteries recharge, ensuring they are ready for use when you wake up.

Upon inserting the hearing aid into the docking station, a light indicator will illuminate, signifying the ongoing battery charging process. In many cases, the charging station light transitions to green once the battery attains full charge, providing a clear visual confirmation. This streamlined approach to recharging simplifies your routine and ensures your hearing aid is consistently ready for your daily activities.

Rechargeable Hearing Aid Battery Life

As a standard, the process of fully charging your lithium-ion rechargeable batteries typically requires around 3 to 4 hours. Once charged, your hearing aids can operate for up to 24 hours before necessitating another recharge.

This convenient cycle ensures that your hearing aids remain powered throughout your daily activities, offering both prolonged usage and efficient recharging times.

Advantages of Rechargeable Batteries

In the realm of modern technology, the benefits of rechargeable batteries shine brightly. These innovative power sources offer a range of advantages that not only enhance convenience but also align with eco-consciousness. From cost-effective solutions to energy efficiency, the reliability of operation to their positive impact on the environment, rechargeable batteries are redefining the way we power our devices.

Join us as we delve into the compelling reasons why rechargeable batteries are becoming a preferred choice for powering our everyday essentials.

  • Convenience: Rechargeable batteries offer seamless and hassle-free charging, eliminating the need for frequent battery replacements.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Opting for rechargeable batteries can lead to significant cost savings over time, as they negate the need for purchasing disposable batteries repeatedly.
  • Energy Efficiency: Rechargeable batteries are designed to be energy-efficient, making the most of each charging cycle to provide optimal performance.
  • Reliability: With reliable and consistent power, rechargeable batteries ensure your devices remain functional throughout their usage period.
  • Environmental Friendliness: By reducing the demand for disposable batteries, rechargeable solutions contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly approach, minimizing battery waste and its environmental impact.

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