The Pros & Cons of a Cochlear Implant
A cochlear implant is a two-part device that enables individuals to restore parts or all of their hearing. There are inherent benefits that come with this, as well as drawbacks. If you are considering a hearing implant, here are some of the pros and cons of the cochlear implant you will want to consider.
Cochlear Implant Pros
- Hearing Improvement
A cochlear implant can improve your hearing, but it can never be certain how much. People who have received the surgery often report an improvement in hearing. Because the ability to hear things is essential to living in any society, even a slight improvement can increase a person’s quality of life. - Children in School
Deaf children are often relegated to schools that cater to loss of hearing. When a child gets a cochlear implant, they usually have a much easier time integrating themselves into a regular school. This can help a child feel more comfortable with themselves. Additionally, special schools often come with their own set of costs in the form of tutoring, assistive technology and interpreters. The cochlear implant may cut down on these costs. - Safety
Walking around without the ability to hear can lead a person into some dangerous situations without realizing it. The ability to hear things alert us to potential dangers around us. Getting a cochlear implant can mean that these important sounds can be better heard, keeping the user safer when out and about.
Cochlear Implant Cons
- The Cost
The cost of a cochlear implant is high. Many people, even if they want a cochlear implant, cannot afford one. They can run over $50,000. Some insurance companies may cover this cost, but others who do not have insurance or adequate insurance may not be able to afford this. - The Sounds
The way a cochlear implant translates sound and the way it occurs naturally causes a difference in sound. Adults have a harder time re-adjusting to sounds than children do. Sounds that are unfamiliar are harder for adults to comprehend with a cochlear implant. - The Procedure
As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with undergoing a cochlear implant. The risks have been minimized since the time the device was invented, but damage to the ear and face can still occur in some instances.
Getting a cochlear implant is a big decision. Be sure to research everything you can about it before making a solid decision.