How to Receive Hearing Aid Financial Assistance in Ontario

August 3rd, 2023 | by Hearing Solutions | Hearing Loss
How to Receive Hearing Aid Financial Assistance in Ontario

Research indicates hearing loss affects everything from mental health to diabetes. Addressing hearing loss early on is the best way to manage it. Choose to promote ear health, obtain hearing tests, and avoid activities that can damage hearing.

While many people avoid having their hearing checked because of the cost, the good news is that you may qualify for hearing aid financial assistance.

People frequently dismiss the impacts of hearing loss in their daily life. Over time, they learn to adjust or compensate. However, the ears are a complicated body part that affect the entire body. Hearing impacts both your physical and mental well-being. The best way to deal with hearing loss or suspected loss is to obtain annual hearing checks.

Hearing loss can significantly affect your life in the following ways:

  1. Depression: Sound allows people to connect with their environment. While sound doesn’t cure depression, it can definitely affect mental and emotional wellness.
  2. Dementia: Mild hearing loss can double the risk of dementia, although no clear evidence supports it increasing brain atrophy. Hearing devices help reconnect individuals by bridging a gap between a reduction in natural hearing and natural sounds.
  3. Balance Issues: A loss of hearing can involve more than your eardrum. Many ear structures are involved in sound. Regarding balance, the inner ear is affected. Disequilibrium and vertigo occur when this system is not correctly functioning.
  4. Isolation: Social interaction is essential for an individual’s well-being. Not hearing others well can cause people to withdraw, leading to social isolation. Fortunately, people can use a Bluetooth hearing aid or modern technology to increase interaction. 

People can avoid these types of illnesses by having their hearing checked. If there is reduced hearing, steps can be taken to restore it, permitting people to lead fuller lives. Furthermore, many devices are virtually undetectable. With potential financing being offered, what prevents you from taking this next step?

What types of programs are available to people within Ontario?

Most people avoid having their hearing checked due to cost. However, in Ontario, some programs can cover the price for you. The amount of coverage received varies depending on the program, and some have a process individuals must go through before funds are released. 

Assistive Devices Program (ADP)

To qualify for ADP, you must reside in Ontario, have a valid health card, have documented hearing loss and need a hearing device for over six months. Income is not considered when applying for this program. ADP covers a maximum of $500 per hearing aid ($1000 for a pair).

You will not qualify for assistance if you already receive/are receiving money from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board for your hearing device. This also applies if you are a Group A veteran receiving or qualifying for money from Veteran Affairs Canada for the hearing device. 

Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC)

VAC covers those diagnosed by healthcare professionals with hearing loss based on an audiogram report. It must be a loss of 100 decibels calculated over speech frequencies for either ear or a 50-decibel loss plus in both ears. Coverage includes hearing tests, hearing aids/accessories, and assistive devices. A further breakdown of coverage can be found here.

Workers Safety Insurance Board (WSIB)

The Workers Safety Insurance Board covers work-related hearing loss wherein a claim can be submitted for reimbursement. Claims can be submitted by yourself, a doctor, an employer, a hearing clinic, a doctor, a representative, or a union.

Non-Insured Health Benefits Program (NIHB)

For eligibility, individuals must reside in Canada and fall into one of the following categories:

  • An Inuk who is recognized by Inuit land claims or the outlined organization.
  • First Nations registered under Indian Act (Status Indian)
  • Child under two of a parent that is an NIHB-eligible client

Clients can receive direct benefits from the Inuit/First Nations government. For Ontario, this applies to Akwesasne, who manages their NIHB benefits.

Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)

Benefits are available to those eligible for Extended Health benefits and ODSP recipients/spouses/dependents (0-17 years). If your family receives payments from ACSD, your children may also qualify.

Qualified adult individuals may receive assistance towards payment for the following:

  • Hearing aids (mid-level)
  • Advanced-level hearing aid (approved by caseworkers for employed adults, those looking for work or attending school)
  • Advanced-level hearing aids as needed for a medical indication but only if it falls under an Exceptional Circumstances policy.
  • Implantable hearing accessories/hearing aids
  • Domes and tubes
  • Molds and impressions
  • Flashing/signal device
  • Batteries
  • FM systems
  • TTY

Should you not qualify for any of the above programs, our hearing health specialists can help explore other programs that may be available to you.

What option is available to those who do not qualify for any of the above programs?

If you don’t qualify for any of the programs mentioned above, you have no need to worry. At Hearing Solutions, we offer patients access to our financing program to help make hearing aids more affordable. Based on your specific needs, you can choose from our many flexible financing options to find one that is most suitable for you. Invest in our financing program, and you can get hearing aids for as low as $65/month, 0% Interest Financing for 12 months on O.A.C., or long-term financing for up to 36 months. 

Another great option for those who do not qualify for programs, like ADP, VAC and WISB, is health benefits. Whether you have hearing loss from a pre-existing condition or work-related causes, you need to find which options are available to begin your journey toward better hearing. Many insurance companies offer benefits that include hearing aid options. With your work benefits, you might even gain coverage for a purchase or to upgrade your hearing aid technology. 

When it comes to work-related hearing loss, employees can be eligible to claim hearing aids or another assistive device if they have experienced a significant change in hearing. Experiencing hearing loss in the workplace affects people’s ability to work and communicate with others and can possibly lead to workplace injuries. That’s why we are here to help.

At Hearing Solutions, our team of hearing healthcare professionals can help you improve your hearing experience, starting with a free hearing test and demonstration. After you complete your hearing test, our experts will show you the best hearing aid options that cater to your personal preferences, lifestyle, and budget. You may even be able to use your health benefits before they expire at the end of the year!

Start Your Better-Hearing Journey with Hearing Solutions Today

The ability to hear is precious, and letting hearing loss go undetected can deprive you of life’s special moments. Connecting with others and our environment reduces the negative influences of diminished hearing. Hearing is indeed important for our complete health and allows us to live a more fulfilling life.

To book your first hearing test, contact Hearing Solutions today. If costs are an issue, we would be more than happy to explore your hearing aid financial assistance options. Call 1-888-881-9799 or visit our website and fill out this form. Someone from our team will contact you to schedule an appointment. 



Government of Ontario. (n.d.). Hearing devices. 

Government of Ontario. (n.d.). 9.11 – hearing aids: Ontario Disability Support Program Policy Directives for Income Support. 

Canada, V. A. (2020, February 12). Audio Services (POC 3). Policies – Veterans Affairs Canada. 

Government of Canada; Indigenous Services Canada. (2023, May 29). Non-insured health benefits for First Nations and Inuit. Government of Canada; Indigenous Services Canada. 

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